Sunday, October 7, 2012

Can I be your Ariel?

So homecoming was this weekend. I didn't go out until the actual day of homecoming. Because it's basically a holiday. And this year we had a lumberjack theme. At first I was very pleased because, well, I love a good lumberjack. I love flannel. I love suspenders. And I love facial hair. It's beautiful, what can I say? Then, as the week started, I realized that because of this special week and flannel appreciation, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE started wearing flannels ALL DAY EVERYDAY! So these stupid sorority girls started wearing their damn plaids and leggings and stupid uggs because they look soooo cool and festive. While I, end up looking like I'm just trying to fit in with the rest of them however, I wear flannels everyday anyways! I started to not appreciate it. But now I can go back to my normal situation of flannels errday. Done.

So it was homecoming and I decided that for my first and last homecoming, I was going to celebrate big. We had a little shindig at The Nest (the name I gave our house even though some of the guys think it's too feminine however, I think it's bombass!). We had breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, and cinnamon rolls. I also made my father's famous Sangria recipe that he got in Spain in the early 70s when he traded the bartender the recipe for the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion equation. Let me just say, the Spanish apparently know how to party because we went through a lot and by 1pm, I was feeling really good about myself. I took a nap later on after sporting my flannel, denim overalls, Savers boots, and Fleet Farm huntin' hat. I looked totally rad if I may say so myself. Oh and I could never forget the Fanny Pack. Best. Invention. Ever! I also had a Homecoming Round 2 that occurred later in the evening in which I left out the Sangria and went for just beer and the bars. I once again saw the love of my life, Prince Eric looking good in a sailors cap and Hawaiian shirt. Beautiful being. I would be his Ariel but that means I can't talk, and we all know that's not possible.  And now here I am. Menomonie Family Restaurant in the stomach and a nice rest out of the way. Taking a break on life/homework and watching HGTV like there's no tomorrow. BOOM. Complete.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I didn't get lost, I swear!

So, I've once again neglected everyone. And by everyone, I mean Surrah, my one viewer ;). I'm going to pretend to start over again. This summer was a blur because I did absolutely nothing with my life except for hang out with my parents, sleep, and start a tomato and pepper garden (which was fantastic)! Now I'm back at school, finally out of the RA-Housing crap that ran my life, and now just working and eating burritos. I'm already living through hell right now because I don't know where to start with some of my classes. My portfolio class might be the end of me. I've got ideas but I don't know how to start them and I'll leave it at that for now. I'm also in an Art Metals class which is AWESOME! I am currently just starting a brooch project in which I am making a deer antler mount. It's flat but it's awesome! I'm pretty stoked for it. If I tried telling people I'm not a hipster before, it's going to be hard to tell them that I'm not anymore walking around with an antler brooch. Or a brooch at all :). Oh one more thing before I go, I also started an Etsy account for the jewelry that I made this summer. I thought I was pricing it relatively cheap for the awesome quality but no one is buying it yet so if you're reading this...BUY SOMETHING! YAY!!! Check it:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Blah blah...June...Blah blah...Today.

So, I've been not so busy being busy. No excuses, I've sorry for neglecting the very few people who read this blog ;). Anyway, I was taking an online course in Marketing and that just finished. Got an A biotches! Heck yeah! Surprised a bit by that. Now I'm taking a course in Management. It's interesting. Great reading...not. It's slow moving. I've also been having TONS of craft nights with my good friend Craf-Tiff. I don't have a better name for you currently. But yeah, I created an Etsy account to sell jewelry and painted glass and more. I haven't uploaded any products yet but that is to come! Hopefully I'll make some kind of money. Pictures will come soon :D. I have also been gardening. Pretty excited. I have my own little vegetable garden that I've started. I'm becoming really maternal about my peppers and tomatoes. So far, none have turned red but I have at least 10 tomatoes a-blooming and a few sprouts of peppers coming! Yaaay! Look at me and my green thumb. I've been living a life of complete freedom and it's great! Hopefully soon I will  be able to focus more on what I want to do for my Senior Show next year. I wanted to make some basic prototypes but I don't see that happening. Right now, I'm just hoping to make tons of sketches to choose from and maybs some fabric swatches of crazy! Excited feeling here! Anyway, I hope to update you sooner about my life. As you can tell, it's rather exciting ;) I kind of feel like a hobo.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Martha Stewart in the House!

So I've decided to take some time and actually try to have a "vacation". And by that, I mean, much hasn't changed. I have however changed out of my sweatpants a few times and showed myself in public. Much improvement! But other than that, I am still doing a lot of laying around watching Criminal Minds from the very beginning because Matthew Gray Gubler has climbed pretty far up my list of nerds that I would love to get to know. And hold conversations. About nerd things. And stuff.


Anyway, when I do get away from Criminal Minds, it's mainly because the videos aren't loading fast enough on my computer so I have to take a Pinterest break. When this happened, I glanced upon a treat that looked too scrumptious to pass up. AND because I have unlimited amounts of time, I decided to try this out. I felt like a younger less pre-felony/"hatred to the general public and my own children" Martha Stewart when I made a pull apart cinnamon bread dessert and icing dip. It was great other than the fact that I got about one bite's worth.

 I told you I'm a little bit of amazing....

Last night I ventured out into what is known as Fondle Sack (aka Fond du Lac) for the very first time. It was...interesting to say the least. I think I will forever appreciate Menomonie bars. Yes folks, I found something worse. HOWEVER 1 dollar domestic bottles and ladies night rail drinks on Fridays as this little place called Ziggy's. I mean, we'll see how often I go there. But I did get to catch up with people I feel like I haven't talked to in approximately 3 years. Give or take a few. 

Today I spent a lovely amount of time in the Princeton Farmer's Market. It. Was. Beautiful. Other than the fact that my goal of losing 15lbs this summer was quickly washed down the drain when all I bought was food. The Amish have a way to my heart with their yummy cookies and bread. Damn them! We also spent some lovely time in Ripon where I was able to do a little vintage shopping (and not at a thrift store! Strange!) at a little boutique. I only bought a necklace. Don't worry I'm not going crazy! We may have hit up Target after and I might have divulged in my past love of $2 crossword scratch-offs. Weakness. Every once in awhile I relapse. I lost. It was worth the thrill. 

New best friend. 
Golden Snitch Mobile...
 Creep Country Mouse. 
Can't get away.
 Best. Cheese Curds. EVER.
I didn't say it.
But I will agree.
Wisco needs a warning label.
Happens all the time.
 Bringing sexy back one red hat at a time.
1990 was a year that made so many great things.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Who doesn't love pajamas...

So I haven't stayed at home in le village for a period of more than a week since my freshman year. I've realized I'm an idiot. Summer has only been going on for approximately 5 days and I've already done nothing with my life and I love it. I'm finally catching up on all the sleep I've missed out on the 4 years I've been in school. I'm taking a minor work break before I start working on that tan that will never come whilst gardening for my parental units. My favorite part of the summer thus far is never having to change out of my pajamas. I'm still keeping up with my hygiene, however, nothing is more comfortable than a 3pm nap in your pajamas while watching marathons of Say Yes to the Dress and Criminal Minds. Don't ask me why I've chosen those two. I do however, have a new love of my life. Matthew Gray Gubler - super nerd, super sexy. He has a way to my soul with his nerd glasses and intelligent speak ;)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Crap. Forgot about finals...

So, the fashion show is over. It was lovely. My models rocked it! In fact, one of my models won the Best Female Model award and another one was nominated. I like to think my clothes had a little something to do with it ;). My mother and lovely sister came to support and watch my show. It was great to see them, and anyone familiar, because it's been about 2 months. It was a fabulous time. The three of us shared the futon which was an experience in and of itself. I'm not the correct length to sleep the short way, that's all I'm saying. We went out to eat SO much which I'm definitely okay with getting real meals. It was so great. I finally went to Zanzibar after 4 years of being here at le Stout. I had a glorious martini and some pasta. Yum. Too good. They also gave us a free dessert for moving tables. Definitely worth it. I finished all my projects and only have one final left. It's weird to think that this year, my Senior year, is almost over. I should be graduating but I love Stout way to much to leave it after 4 years. Gotta give it one more great year. I've also had some nerd love come my way. I've fallen even more deeply in love with Marvel. What I mean is, I went to see the Avengers movie after waiting for it for about 2 years now. IT. WAS. AMAZING! I would be willing to marry any of those men and have any amount of their babies. Done. They  make me so happy. I was very please with the tone of the film as well. There were nerd jokes in it. Superheroes making fun of LOTR. Too good. Now I just have to wait until the Amazing Spiderman comes out this summer and then Iron Man 3 and Thor 2...and Avengers 2.....Ah! The anticipation of nerd. I live a hard life. First world problems. 

Mi Modelas looking fabulous!

 The Three Holy Women back together again

Zanzibar style Carbonara 

  Three Holy Women, Three Different Styles

 Obsession...I do now

 Free dessert....yup

 Time machine?

 Welcome to America. 
Hot Dog Flavored Chips...

 Photobombing the Avengers!

Nerds are happy!
 Tried my best at ombre nails

 Sketches for sweaters :D

 And more...

 Had enough yet?

 Too bad.

 Last one, and sketch for final project

 Final project

Some Applied Cables
Celtic Knot Inspired

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Who needs sleep anyway....

I'm am so ready for summer. It's bittersweet. I want summer to come so I can do nothing but sleep and garden with my mother. However, the faster summer comes, the closer my project due dates are and that I am not excited for. These next two weeks are going to be hectic. I still don't know when I can move into my new apartment. I really want that to come! I've been pulling all-nighters left and right. My stuff is looking spectacular but sleep is a beautiful thing. I knitted a sweater dress the other day. It looks lovely (pictures will come in a few days). I'm also designing an accessories line and I LOVE IT! The fashion show, in which I am one of many designers, is tomorrow. I am stoked! I turn into a little girl as soon as I see my stuff on the runway. As far as I know people like it so yay! This weekend was interesting. I went to the Pickle Promo Party and I was by myself for some time. I look super lame. BUT, there was free beer so I made myself useful. Finally some ladies arrived and we played beer pong. Now, I never really got into the whole college party thing so I suck at pong. I am much better at tippy cup because that mainly involves drinking fast and that's my thing. Beer Pong involves hand-eye coordination. I don't have that apparently, until I'm a little drunk. I got much better as the night went on. Anyway, by the time 10pm rolled around I was feeling really good about myself. People had showed up and were having a great time on our behalf. From there I finally made an appearance at the Waterfront for the first time EVER! I don't know how this happened to late in the game because it is my joint! I am not sure how many times I told someone they have a spectacular mustache/beard. I was minorly ridiculous in the best way possible. Anyway, I had a wonderful time. My was accompanied by my little ginger drinker and we've decided to frequent that arena more often together! Until then I will continue to work on more projects on very limited sleep. I get to see my mother and sister this weekend and I couldn't be more excited to finally see someone in my family for over a month. Once Monday is over, I will finally breathe a little more. Only one project after that and then I'm in my Super Senior year! Can't wait...

The game I helped win....Booya!
8:30 at the Pickle...gross...

The creeper in the corner....
 Oh wait, what's this? A fashion show poster?

 I found Harry's cupboard!
Now where's my letter McGonagall?

Thank you Disney Pandora....
No skips left. FML.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My shit gone cray!

I've been a busy little bee. And by that, I mean I've become a mad woman. I finally saw my friend Surrah after a long separation. We reunited with a bottle of bubbly that made us bubbly...and by that I was being classy and only burping that would make a man proud to not be dating this. Since the last chime-in, I've also gotten a dream of mine to come true. This dream would involve drag queens. I had a wonderful donor that allowed me to be outrageous with the entertainment. To say the least, I may or may not have shimmied in their face, made them take a dollar out of mouth and got my face straddled all for a dollar. It. Was. AWESOME! I also got a challenge accepted by completing all my garments for the fashion show with lovely models. They are fantastic for having to put up with this craziness. 7 pieces, 2 days. That shit cray. I've finished my weekend class leaving a majority of my life on the weekends free (minus the fashion show which everyone needs to attend! minor plug). I've continued my ridiculous obsession with Savers. I really don't think I can get enough of that place. I revisited one of my favorite places in Eau Claire, InfiniTEA, with my gay boyfriend. Here I found the BEST TEA EVER! It is Blood Orange flavored and I of course purchased a few ounces. I just have to make my own teabags now :D Yesterday I helped model for a friend's photo shoot. I'm throwing out a delayed apology. I suck at modeling. I don't think I'm photogenic. I am lucky on occasion. Or rather, the photographer is lucky on occasion ;). And now, because my life is amazingly entertaining, I return to knit. However, before I go, I give you these to wallow over: 

 The woMAN that straddled my face....

My beautiful models after so much work!

Why didn't I get this? 
It would have been a beautiful addition to my place.

 Creepy bunny baby?


Hmm...hour lunch during weekend class?
Yes, I will drink to that!
 So many choices. So little time.

 InfiniTEA <3

 We gotst our tea! So purdy!

Yummy Blood Orange

 My beautiful Teapot short and stout :D

Stout is looking mighty fine!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I've decided I'm lame.

This weekend was Easter : : cough : : Spring Holiday : : cough : : at Le Stout. I however, did not get to go home because I was on dutes in ze dormz. It was probably for the best because I actually got some shit done! One thing I did was finally clean the disaster zone that is my room. It's amazing. I have carpet that I haven't seen in awhile. I also got rid of so much shit that I don't want/need anymore. It's crazy. I also got some work done and tried not to procrastinate so badly. I ended up sleeping last night which is a miracle because a project was due today. I do however, still have way too much to do still. Tomorrow the fashion show garments are due and I only have 2 of my 7 pieces completed. Everything is at least started just not finished...oops. It should be relatively easy though. : : knock on wood : : I'm excited to see what will happen. I got to hang out with le soul sister again. We spent a wonderful evening in a coffee shop and she made me dinner. I love it when people make me dinner. My lovely Cat Lady and I also spent most of Friday in Eau Claire before our chains tightened. I bought so much yarn yet it is not enough. I am turning more into an old woman every day. I love it. I'm ready for this week to be done and the weekend to start. This week will forever be my torture weekend and I can't wait for that first nap after. It might begin at 5pm and end at 9am. Not to shabby.

 I'm glad they make goldfish with smiles. 
I wonder if I can get a bag of just that....

Yummy. Rice, Chicken, Bell Peppers, Broc
Wine and Soy Sauce - Heaven

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Staff Bondage?

Margaritas are going to be the death of me. For some reason I feel the need to want to continuously drink them. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me a good marg. Most of staff and I went to the ever famous Applebee's to get some drinks and half-off apps. Nothing like a little trip to the classiest restaurant Menomonie has. Anyway, I ordered myself some Pomegranate Margaritas and had a great time. We had lovely conversation that always turned out to be more sexual than necessary. Go figure. We have decided that I am definitely the poster girl for being a classy lady : : hint of sarcasm in voice : : I've actually been told I am a man (both gay and straight) trapped inside a fabulous female body.  What can I say, I'm the best of all worlds ;). 

For the more productive side of me, I've been trying to get a lot work done so I don't kill myself mentally. I knitted a very adorable baby HP sweater last night. I want to steal a baby just to make them wear it. I've also been sewing like a mad woman. Due to this, I have completely ignored my room which doesn't really shock people. It's a terrible sweat shop situation. I've lost a lot of contact with the outside world. There's only so many Law & Order SVU marathons that you can watch.

 Can't get enough...

 Looks so tasty!

Limp stick?

Baby Potter! <3

 Baby Potter Deux!